Monday, September 22, 2008

Blessed Are We

We were all surprised and thrilled with my son's wife blog regarding a new arrival. It will be number four. We didn't expect this event to happen again, she said after her third it was the last. The desire was to great and they wanted another one, even though she gets so sick and she gets so uncomfortable at the end. I have to admire her sacrifice and it is a just feel so AWFUL! I know how she feels!!! I got so terribly sick with each one....6 live births and 4 miscarriages. One of those I was flat in bed for 3 months.

I admire women today who have courage to have children no matter what the consequences to them bring and in a world that makes a large family hard to support. God Bless you Erin. I will think of you everyday and hope your sickness goes away soon. It is amazing when that little one arrives it was all worth it!!

Love to all my children and grandchildren!!


jason said...

Good post Mom! We all love you.


jen said...

Love you too mom, can't wait for you to be an awesome grandma to my kids.