Monday, September 22, 2008

Blessed Are We

We were all surprised and thrilled with my son's wife blog regarding a new arrival. It will be number four. We didn't expect this event to happen again, she said after her third it was the last. The desire was to great and they wanted another one, even though she gets so sick and she gets so uncomfortable at the end. I have to admire her sacrifice and it is a just feel so AWFUL! I know how she feels!!! I got so terribly sick with each one....6 live births and 4 miscarriages. One of those I was flat in bed for 3 months.

I admire women today who have courage to have children no matter what the consequences to them bring and in a world that makes a large family hard to support. God Bless you Erin. I will think of you everyday and hope your sickness goes away soon. It is amazing when that little one arrives it was all worth it!!

Love to all my children and grandchildren!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Turning 60 this year I was a bit fearful! I remember when I was 20 and thought of growing older, what I would be doing and it's so far away? Well here I am and sooner than I thought. Time has gone by so fast...I can't believe September is almost over. Now at 60 I've decided it is not too bad. Some things I like about it:

1. There are times I don't sleep well. I can go a good 5 hours of sound sleep maybe 6 if I am lucky. I will hit the sack at 9 or so and can be wide a wake at 3 or 4 am in the morning. I have decided to take advantage and do something, scrapbook or get ready for work early and shop at Walmart. I can even get in a good book before work.
2. It is ok to take a nap if you need to....just gives you more energy!
3. No commitments, except work. It doesn't matter when dinner is on the table, no time lines.
3. I love going a movie in the middle of the afternoon ..... oh yes, love to leave work early and just go to a movie all by myself and eat a tub of popcorn by myself!
3. Love to see the grandbabies. (It is hard to fit that in right now with overtime at work.)
4. Enjoy and appreciate the world around me so much more. I take time to really see the full moon on a late summer night or when I go to swimming at 5 in the morning. The sunrise can be breath taking. I just take more time to really SEE AND ENJOY the world around me.
5. My health it great for 60...I may not be able to run but I can swim laps!

There are things I don't like as I get older:
1. Can't open a jar!!! How frustrating is that. I can see me in the future just going to the neighbors to help open a jar of pickles.
2. My husband and I are loosing our minds, or forgetting where we put things. It was so funny one day he blamed me for taking an important paper off the table. I picked of the manila envelope and asked if he put it in there. He insisted he didn't. Couple days later he found it in the envelope. I keep telling him we have to have patience with one another and our memories just not there all the time. (It gives us a great laugh later)
3. We move at a much slower pace. Can't have a race with the grandkids.
4. I guess the hardest thing to face, my hands just don't work like they use to do and that frusterates me.
5. Have to watch what I eat all the time.
6. Can't see as well...always looking for my glasses to see that fine print. Some day I will miss something important because didn't read the fine print.

Yes life is so different when the kids were home and there are times I remember when....but I am slowly liking this new period of FREEDOM AND AWARENESS. (now where did I put my glasses?)

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Now the yard is all planted with grass and growing great! My husband decided to work on this deck, around half of our home. When we first moved into this house he mentioned he wanted a deck off our bedroom with a hot tub. (I thought ya right!! He talks a lot and takes forever, hum, like the bathrooms are still in the remodeling job going on 6 years...he says only 4!?!? , no 6 but we do have at least a shower to show for part of the remodel job.)
Anyway, he is on a roll now building this deck and I am impressed! He had starting buying materials since last year, I thought I'd die when he came home with a huge load of TeX deck flooring on sale at Home was in a pile under tarp all Winter and Spring. Then this last Spring he got more supplies and I kissed the remodeled bathroom good by for another season. Two piles of lumber sat in our driveway all Winter and Spring wondering if it would happen.

Then Labor Day weekend was the being of the deck. My daughter and her husband came from Spokane for the event, as well as my son and his wife who live in town. It took us most of Saturday to mark the spots for the post, and the kids dug it with a machine called an Alger. It took 11-12 inch holes to dig....the kids liked the experience. We also did some of the frame work onto the house for the deck.
Yesterday our Daughter Denise came from Boise to help us pour the cement into the holes and put the braces for the posts in the holes. We had to work very quickly before the cement dried. This is a big project and it will be a hugh deck sitting 12 feet from our house. It will be really nice when it is done! And lots of hard work!
It is really happening!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Take a look at this:

Isn't this great fun!!! My son and his wife took a walk with the twins to our home and we gave them a great treat... yogurt popsicles. That is the best part of being grandparents you can do what you want and give them back all messy!!! (Our son didn't like that very much.) They are just the cutest and we love when they visit!