Monday, July 23, 2007

The new 40's?

My daughter talked me into starting a blog. Not sure about this but here is goes. She is really good at it. Check hers out called: UP INTO THE NIGHT. She has a great way with words. My daughter in law also has a great blog called The Nut House. Here goes nothing:

On July 9th I turned 59....I feel I'm in my 40's still but who is counting? They say the 60's are the new 40's. I like that thought very much. Everyone would like to extend their health and wealth of youth.

I am very active. I go to swimming aerobics 3 to 4 times a week. I walk on my breaks at work for 15 minutes 2 times a day, most days, and go to Curves 3 times a week. My real desire in life is to lose 20 pounds I seem to have gained in the last year or so. I am finding going into my 60's makes this a real challenge, the battle of the bulge.

Women my age have menopause issues and it sucks!! This has dragged on forever for me, like 15 years fighting the changes. The worse problem is the middle spare tire...oh, how I dream to have a waist again. I exercise endlessly on this middle problem.

To top off the problem cloths fit weird. Doesn't matter what department you go to the cloths in an x-large are always too small. Not sure who is in charge of the sizes. It doesn't even matter if it is juniors, misses or women’s nothing fits. The other problem, fabrics are so thin you have to have 3 layers, not to show those ugly body lines….. no one would want to see mine. I don't want to dress frumpy or baggy but in style with class. I want to be normal and not stand out. Is it too much to ask? I want my grandkids and kids to say "Wow grandma is COOL and looking good!!"

Oh well, I shouldn't really complain too much. I have great health and I guess that is all that really matters. The inches seem to go slowly but not the weight. The kids say I can dress 70's or 80's and pull it off well. I am really blessed to be an approaching the new age of 60's Rockin' Grandma with a TOUCH OF CLASS. I will continue to exercise and eat the best I can to live and enjoy those kids and grandkids.
Isn't that what life is really about......Rhonda


jen said...

Does it count if your daughter says that you are totally cool and looking good?!! Love ya, jen...I'm excited about your new blog!

shauna said...

Woohoo! Look at the fancy blog. You are officially a bloggin' machine, Mom.

And you're a hottie. In fact, I can't even believe you're 59! You look so young (and I'm hoping it's genetic)

I love ya! (Now you can get back at me for the eBay post.)

GustoBones said...

Welcome to the blogoshpere!

erin said...

Can I get some of those genes over here? Please?! Great blog, Rhonda! You are totally one smoking hot grandma!

Blog Owner said...

I love your daughter's blog so I wouldn't want to miss yours. Welcome aboard the blogosphere!

Anonymous said...

I have always said "mom you are soooo good looking". I have always known why the other men have looked to catch a peek. Dad should be proud. Smoking Hot Mom!! Smokin'

Rachel said...

way to BLOG! Welcome, I LOVE Shauna's blog.