I have been told ever since I can remember I am a Worry Wort. I'd worry about everything. I thought once my kids were grown and gone, on their own, my worrying days were over.......NOT SO!!! I still worry. I guess my destiny in life is to be the Great Worrying Grandma. And with
grand kids your
worries are
My son and his wife just gave us an awesome surprise. They had an ultra-sound last week and to
every ones surprise they are expecting twin girls. How exciting is that. This is their first children and they are thrilled. She is due about 1-16-08 but twins could be a lot earlier. My son has started a new job and October 1st has to go out of town (6 hours away), for 10 week training. I think I am more nervous about their situation then they are. I fear my son with not be there for the blessed event. Or I just hope they will go full term (I had one
preemie child before and know what that is like.) And it goes on and on. My husband always tells me "It will be fine or things will work out!" Why do I do this?
I have 6 kids and each one has something I worry about....good thing there is cell phones to keep in touch to control my worries and replace with hugs and kisses!! I guess I will just control my Worry
Worts and turn them into Love Bugs. I just want life to go smoother for them than somethings were for me. I am a Worrying Protective Loving Grandma ~~~~~~